Legal notice
Access to this website by visitors is subject to the following written conditions.
The information, logos, graphic elements, sounds, images, trademarks and anything else published and/or reproduced on this site are the property of (or granted by third parties for use by) IFA GROUP. Reproduction of website content is allowed only with written permission from IFA GROUP.
It is therefore prohibited to modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, or distribute the contents of this website without authorisation. In particular, it is prohibited to copy the computer programs (software) that determine the functioning of this website, create programs similar to these, trace and/or use the source code of the aforementioned programs. IFA GROUP does not guarantee the constant updating of the information contained on this site nor may it be held liable for any damages, including computer viruses, which visitors’ equipment may suffer as a result of access and/or interconnection with this website or due to downloading its content.
The hyperlinks (links) on this site may lead visitors who are conducting a search to web pages on sites other than this one. Therefore, IFA GROUP assumes no liability whatsoever in relation to both the content of what is published on these sites and how third parties may use it, as regards any damage caused by or originated at the time of access to such websites, an interconnection to them or downloading their content.
Any personal information sent to the website of IFA GROUP will be treated in compliance with the privacy law. Any non-personal information communicated to IFA GROUP via this website (including suggestions, ideas, drawings, projects, etc.) will give the latter the exclusive, unlimited and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, show, process, modify, transmit, and distribute such non-personal information.
The communication of such information will automatically lead to it being transferred, free of charge, exclusively and with the most ample rights and powers, to IFA GROUP . The regulations in force in the territory of the Italian Republic apply to this website.