Decontamination unit
In cases of asbestos reclamation, both compact and friable, the Ministerial Decreeof 06/09/1994 requires that workers use decontamination units equipped with a nozzle. The same requirement applies to the cleaning of bags and tools contaminated by asbestos brought outside from the confined area.
The IFA Group offers different types of decontamination units , which are produced according to the different logistics needs of customers so that they may be more easily adapted to different configurations and settings also due to cramped or irregular spaces.
For long-term construction sites, but above all for construction sites where there is enough space for installation (see removals of asbestos roofs), prefabricated units may be used.
The IFA GROUP supplies different models; among them the model that may be transported with a platform vehicle due to its small size.
In accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 06 September 1994 (regulations and technical methodologies for the application of Art.
6, paragraph 3, and Art. 12, paragraph 2, Law of 27 March 1992, No. 257, regarding asbestos phaseout and use) and national and European regulations concerning the removal and/or treatment of materials containing asbestos, this personal decontamination unit is divided into 4 sections, one of which is used as a nozzle and a technical compartment for water management.